Celebrate Halloween in Dragon City!

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Lost souls and terrifying nightmares have started to take over the Islands… Halloween is around the corner, and Dragon City has gotten spookier than ever! Tons of surprises await you in the shadows, so here’s everything you need to know:
Halloween Island makeover
Have you got your Halloween costume ready? Because your Dragon City is going all out! Your dragons are looking for the best decorations to get your Islands ready for the spooky season, so keep an eye on them! You may even see some of your Buildings get a makeover!
Deus’ Arena Showdown: Halloween Edition
The Cytherean Empress Dragon has accepted a mysterious offering from the Vampire Family… Will she share it with you, or will she curse you with it?! This Halloween Event will last for two consecutive Arena Showdowns. The first Arena Showdown will be from the 17th to the 24th of October, 2024, and the second, from the 24th to the 31st of October, 2024.
Halloween Arena Showdown Collection I
From October 17th to October 24th, 2024, win Arena battles to collect Arena Totems and progress in the Arena Showdown Collection.
Complete milestones to earn tons of rewards, such as Orbs of the Cytherean Empress Dragon Orbs, the Cytherean Empress Dragon herself, Legendary Rank Up Coins, Legendary Joker Orbs, and most importantly, the Cytherean Empress Dragon’s new Vampire Skill Skin, which grants the Cytherean Empress Dragon the special Leech Fang Vampire Skill!
Halloween Arena Showdown Collection II
From October 24th to October 31st, 2024, win Arena battles to collect Vampire Vitality and progress in the Arena Showdown Collection. But there won’t be regular Tributes this time… The Cytherean Empress Dragon will hold all the glory as the only boosted dragon for this Showdown.
Complete milestones to earn tons of rewards, such as Rank Up Coins, Joker Orbs, a Vampire Heart item to boost your Cytherean Empress Dragon’s Health, Vampire Fangs to boost your Cytherean Empress Dragon’s Damage, Vampire Wings to boost the amount of Arena Trophies earned by winning Arena battles, and Orbs of the upcoming Arena Showdown’s Tributes as well as of some of the most powerful dragons in Dragon City!
The Cytherean Empress Dragon’s vampire boosts are only active once her Vampire Skill Skin has also been obtained, and are limited to this Arena Showdown. Make the most out of this week of battles, as once the Arena Showdown is over, the Vampire Skill Skin of the Cytherean Empress Dragon won’t come with boosted battle stats or Trophies, but it will, of course, maintain the skin’s Leech Fang Skill.
It’s time to face your fears, Dragon Masters, and let the Halloween Arena Showdown begin!