Karma Calls
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The Karma dragons are back, and so is their leader, the High Master Karma Dragon!
Will this powerful dragon finally prove to us which side he is on? Is he the hero we were all looking for, or another villain we must protect ourselves from? Only time will tell, or maybe a third path has revealed itself…
From September 25th until October 23rd, participate in the Karma Calls Collection by collecting Karma Insignias and completing milestones to earn amazing rewards, including the High Master Karma Dragon’s new All-Seeing Father Skill Skin and Orbs to Empower him.
Karma Insignias can be found in the Event Islands, Quests, and Offers (both in-game and on our Official Webstore).
Rewards are waiting for you at each milestone of the Karma Calls Collection!
Collect Karma Insignias ➡️ Complete it for a chance to earn Heroic Joker Orbs and Heroic Trading Essences;
Choose to be a hero… ➡️ Complete it for a chance to earn Orbs of Karma dragons;
…or become a villain ➡️ Complete it for a chance to earn Orbs of the High Master Karma Dragon and Karma dragons;
Try the All-Seeing Father Skin! ➡️ Complete it to obtain 500 Orbs of the High Master Karma Dragon and his new special All-Seeing Father Skin!
Boost the High Master Karma Dragon's overall damage stat and life points by 25% with All-Seeing Father Skill Skin!
Please restart your game for this to take effect.